Nineteenth Street Baptist Church welcomes all who want a relationship with God and believe in the resurrection and salvation of Christ Jesus. We encourage you to engage with us to see if this is the church home the Holy Spirit is calling you to join and grow in your Christian walk by:

Ways to Become a Member
You can become a member of Nineteenth Street Baptist Church upon confession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, by Baptism, Experience of Grace, Letter from Another Church, Restoration to the Rolls, or Watch Care. The Board of Deacons manages the intake process for candidates to become members.

Although the physical doors of the church are closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, Nineteenth Street is still opening the doors–virtually–to invite new members to Christ and to our church family. The steps are designed to help you engage individually in your spiritual relationship with God and collectively with our church body.

Accept – Connect – Learn – Join – Fellowship – Engage

Step One—Accept: When you have decided that God is calling you to Nineteenth Street Baptist Church, simply respond at the end of a worship service when the pastor says “the doors of the church are open” and invites you to join our church family. During in-person worship, you walk down the aisle to the altar where you will be greeted by deacons and the pastor. If you are attending a virtual service, you will call the New Member voice mail line (202-507-9332) to leave a message. The secretary of the Deacon Board will call you with a warm welcome and personally guide you on the next steps.

Step Two—Connect: The Deacon Board secretary will connect with you to discuss your intentions and to gather information. During this time, the deacon will determine your mode of membership (Baptism, experience of grace from any denomination if previously baptized by immersion, letter from another Baptist church, restoration, or watch care). Each candidate will be given information about the New Members Ministry and will be assigned a Deacon Board spiritual advisor.

Step Three—Learn: New Member Orientation for adults is an engaging 2-hour class on our history, mission, vision, organization structure, ministries, programs, and activities. The class is held on the fourth Saturday of each month. Orientation for children and teens is a personalized program managed by our youth pastor.

Step Four—Join: Upon recommendation of the Deacon Board and a vote called by the pastor, the congregation accepts the candidate(s) into membership. Those who come forward to be baptized will become members “upon baptism,” as stated in the Deacon Board recommendation. You are then a full member of Nineteenth Street Baptist Church with all rights and privileges and you will be mailed a membership certificate and envelope number by the church clerk.

Step Five—Fellowship: Upon the completion of the New Members Orientation Class, you will be extended the “Right Hand of Fellowship,” which occurs the first Sunday of the month. You will receive a Completion of Orientation Certificate and a personal Bible.

Step Six—Engage: As a new member, you are part of the New Members Ministry. The New Members Ministry will help you connect with the church and other new members through various programs. You can view the New Members Ministry programs here.

For additional information, please contact Deacon Yvonne Dickson, secretary of the Board of Deacons, at or 202-829-2773, or Sister Vialetta Graham, director of the New Members Ministry, at or 202-829-2773.